April 10, 2007
Architect of Accident
In which Travis writes a poem by the ocean, late in the night.
Jetties launch themselves into the night time ocean almost every two hundred yards on Folly Beach, near Charleston, SC. Travis has came out on the urging of some local fans. He hit a couple of the local bars, too, with his friends. But last call came too soon and he found himself out on the beach with no where to be. So he plopped down on a jetty and after he let his eyes glaze over for a while, he pulled out a pen and wrote this down:
Three quarter clouded moon over ocean’s persistent crystal light dances a path to walk alone in a night time myopia silence that stills the heady dialogue of bright day and moon’s wide and fuzzy halo is a quiet amphitheater for the performance of ocean waves their dark body, bright foam, an inverted tide come to take all your should’ves away. and lap deep thunderous. At the First far falling star overhead, you sit in awe alone wide-eyes peeled to bay of light Her communique She to you alone, who walks this late who came to worship the temple of the architect of accident when all the voices insisted hitch hiked on you to this quiet place you came alone to, the fall silent one by on until left are none and the second falling star is a real thing. And the ocean, not something to fathom but a place to land— as all falling stardust must and you are cold and you are shivering sitting on a wide beach of white sand the wind with its job to do your vigil is aside the three quarter and clouded moon looking down on you shines white light that is a secret from the sun bounced —round the solar system and there is no one else watching but you’ve who’ve come this late at night for the show that goes on for almost forever
Read the whole thread: Incunabula
Characters and Places: architect, night sky, poetry, the beach, Travis Fleeting's Poetry