(i.e. Shout-outs and Thank yous)

Elsewhere on the Web

Thanks to Sweepy Jean (@sweepyjean) for mentioning Troped in the Third Sunday blog carnival in February. Also, some work not featured here on Troped will begin appearing this month on Wire is Alive.


You would not be looking at this site, let along this conception of fiction without all of the very hardworking and very bright people over at WordPress. Many of the plugins that I have installed and built in order to design this brand hyperfiction depend on what is an open, inventive, and downright awesome architecture.


Another piece of software programming genius; Coda is brilliantly simple for getting your hands dirty in some good old-fashioned HTML and CSS. The editor is pretty and it even comes digital tomes to help you remember all those funny little tags like <abbr>—seriously, who uses that one? All you dreamweaver chumps out there (are you still out there?): you’re punks. Coda is dah bomb.

Limbik Frequencies and The Sixty One

Generally speaking, if I am off exploring the holographic universe, I am taking the sounds of Limbik Frequencies. I tune in using iTunesYou should too.

Epic Win

Just getting things done can be tiresome and boring, but Epic Win makes it fun. It’s a todo list that turns doing chores into a game. It you’re an old RPG fan like me, you’ll really get a kick out of it. You set up todos as quests and then do battle with them to gain experience points and loot. There is nothing more thrilling than leveling-up after cleaning the bathroom. (Okay, some things are more thrilling.)

Other Online Fiction (that I like)

And when I’m not writing, you can probably find me reading any of these fine contributions to literature: Chokeville, Gimcracked, thedictionaryofoscarmacsweeny, and Paul Ford’s Ftrain