Flip. Flops.
In which Travis (Chief) and the Bug Man go to meet Wayne (the Supplier).
“Tell ya what, ameego, we’re gonna stop off and see Wayne quick-like ‘fore lunch.”
“Okay.” In for a dime, in for a dollar.
With that, the bug man pulls the steering wheel right and bumps the truck up on to the sidewalk full speed then jerk stops, half in traffic, half out, in front of a run down gas station. He hops down out of the truck as a car races by, horn blaring.
“Oh,” Travis says without surprise, “We’re here.”
Travis gets out of the truck and follows the bug man stepping carefully, looking out for broken glass.
“Now Wayne here—he jes’ might be the best karyoke round these parts… cain’t sing worth a darn though.”
“Well, naturally.”
Read more of this story…
Read the whole story so far: Showdown at the DQ Corral
Characters and Places: The Bug Man, Travis Fleeting