Watching Trains Rumble By While Sitting on a Bike
In which Gene Copeland sits on his bike and watches a massive train rumble by.
Road #X
The roads that Gene Copeland knows will not take him where he intends.
The Grey
In which Gene remembers waiting in bed as an 8 year old to go to sleep and then be gone for a time.
Art Warrior, Because Art Ninja Seemed Cliché
In which Gene writes in his journal about his home
Coming Up For Air
In which Gene gets a good lungful of air.
In which Gene and Shara meet for the third time; this time on purpose.
A Series of Tubes
In which Gene points out that computers are generally dumb.
Don’t Ask Mr. Advice—You’ve been warned
In which some unwitting schmuck asks Mr. Advice for advice and gets his due payment.
Trouble, Help, Guilt and Justification
Excerpt from the journal of Gene Copeland:
Does the Proof Ever Knock?
In which we meet Gene Copeland.